From 1991 -1993 Elizabeth: resided in Israel. She was one of the first Reiki Masters to live and teach in Israel. One of her Israeli students has taught 40,000 Reiki students in Israel. She made travels to sacred sites throughout the Middle East and recorded her journeys in a book titled: GARBAGE AND FLOWERS This highly successful book was distributed throughout Canada and internationally. She also did research on Flower Essence Healing and authored a booklet titled,Flower Essences of Canada- A Guide to Meanings and Usage, and developed a line of 45 Flower Essences from her gardens and wild flowers while at Nehalliston Canyon Retreat.
Her National Best Seller, THE INCREDIBLE POTATO , has now surpassed 16,000 copies sold. Elizabeth has done many national television shows, CBC radio and televison, as well as a multitude of book signings, presentations and talks at book readings across Canada and the Dominican Republic.
The idea of ascension, Elizabeth's current writing, was instilled in her in 1989 when she met her Twin Flame - True Love! It was a powerful experience.
Elizabeth has studied with Dr. Bernie Siegel, M.D. Washington, D.C. USA,, Oshinna Fastwolf, a Native American Crystal Healer, California, USA, Encounter and Focusing with Dr. John Heider, PhD in Florida, USA, the CMBA with Dr. Sharon Forrest N.D. ,Montreal Canada, Reiki Master from Sheila McGinn, R.N. Bancroft, Ontario, Past Life Therapy and Color Therapy from Diana Cherry, C.C.H. Vancouver , B.C.
Elizabeth has been researching spiritual precepts and metaphysics since her move to Ontario in 1986. Through meditation, focusing and other energy processes, she has tapped into a vaster part of her Self to uncover the secrets of the Universe and planet Earth.
She is committed to teach spiritual precepts and metaphysics through her books.
From September 2003to September 2004: Elizabeth currently lives in Prince Edward County, Ontario and lectures around the world. Her 5th book, AWAKE! A Spiritual Primer was written there.
From April 2001: Elizabeth resided in Stirling, On. She owned and operated Radiant Health there. She practiced healing, massage therapy and provided health consultations.
From March 2000 to May 2001: Elizabeth lived in Vancouver, B.C. and in Santo Domingo and at a sacred site in the Puerto Plata Mts, in Dominican Republic. Here she facilitated ceremonies, healing, yoga and Reiki classes. She was keynote speaker at a metaphysical conference in Santo Domingo.
From October 1993 to March 2000: Elizabeth owned and operated Nehalliston Canyon Retreat in the Rocky Mts. B.C. for seven years. She taught Macrobiotic cooking, facilitated Reiki classes and Soul Healing, and hosted an international clientele at her retreat. She also gathered wild food and grew all her own vegetables in co-creative (working with nature) gardens on her property. She cooked and served healthy macrobiotic meals, to her guests, provided retreats and researched and wrote 3 books while living there.