Canada's "potato lady", 'Agnes Toews Andrews', who gave you, "The Original Incredible Potato-Cookbook and History", (over 16,000 copies sold) now as 'Elizabeth Blakely' takes you on her continuing spiritual journey. "Awake! A Spiritual Primer" is the sequel to "Garbage and Flowers-My Year's Sojourn in the Holy Land" published in 1997.
The Current Challenge on Planet Earth:
"Humanity Awake! Rediscover Who You Are! Take up the challenge to Evolve and Ascend. It is imperative that we do so at this point in time of our sojourn on planet Earth. All of us are part of a huge shift in consciousness happening, NOW! Nothing shifts and changes without the other and ALL on Earth is evolving at this critical point in timelessness!"
Twin Flames, True Loves who were created simultaneously became separated. In fact both created amnesia and the remembrance of the ecstasy of being together became deeply buried. When I met my Twin Flame I was given a vision. We came together on a hilltop and when we embraced sparks began to fly around us. As we embraced, we became a flame and that flame burned up to one hundred feet. The love, bliss and ecstasy that I felt as our two hearts became one was beyond human description.
Canada is Special!
"During the summer of 1997, we had many Galactic visitors to planet Earth, most specifically to Canada. We were chosen! "Later this summer my military fighter pilot husband and I saw a gigantic orb shaped object, larger than the sun, over our place in the B.C. Rocky Mountains. It woke me at 1:30 a.m. the first night I saw it. It's brilliance shone into our bedroom bay window. I felt an immense positive energy emanating from it. Then the next night I met and communicated with the pilot and co-pilot of the ship. I was told why Canada was special.